Hi Guys,
Regarding the uWatch and the Chess part.
I'm directing this at Hugh, Andrew & Zowki , the guys that developed the Chess for the uWatch, not sure if they read this forum....
First off, great job getting Chess working on the 24f.
I tried many of the small Chess engines out there, I got the Atmel port of Micro-Max ( H.G. Muller) almost working, I could get it to play itself but could not get it to accept input

head wrecked.
I'm using the 24f too BTW, my question is do any of you guys have the Basic C code i.e. 'vchess.c'? I have been to 'Voidware Ltd' but there is nothing there about it. The reason being that the source code for uwatch is heavy changed for LCD output and custom input, I'm having trouble with interpreting the board array and would prefer it in its original form.
Thanks and great forum BTW, hello to Dave!