Yes ! you have right ..this " ping-pong: I don't like it too.
The holes on CEM3 looks as you said.
I'll be back in next days with some technical aspects about sizes ( holes traces )
As you can see in FR4 holes are properly done it .
After soldering this aspects about holes .......... will be not.
Yes! you have right is helpfull for designing to know from beginning the allowed holes , traces. .........
..............I never had in mind somthing like " hack way for business" ...............
I work in one multinational company ( 3D mechanical designer ) .............and I'm really NOT interested for any incoming from my hobby ( pcbs manufacturing)
About this forum : YES ! .....seems to be famous some other forums .....with plenty of visitors and users.
All the ping-pong in comments aside msdesigner managed to fill4 pages with pictures of pcb's and his email address. Search machines pick this up ... free advertisement for him . I see this as a clever 'hack' of a popular forum to get business.
@ msdesigner : if you want to be serious about what you are doing give us a bit of information
- what drill sizes do you have available ? can you drill a 0.5mm hole ? a 0.4 mm ? a 0.3 mm hole ?
- how much copper do you need around the hole ? 6 mils ? 8 mils ? 10 mil ?
- how much opening do you need between 2 traces ? 6 mil ? 8 mil ? 10 mil ?
- can you do double sided ?
the answer to the above question will let people design boards that fall well within your capabilities. we can't just design board blind , we need design rules. without rules a board is not designed but 'slapped together'.
Judging from the foto's you are not drilling with tungsten carbide nor a spindle. i see plenty of pads that have 'volcano' holes ( meaning the copper is lifted up form the board around the hole ). this leads me to the conclusion you are hand-drilling , with the wrong drills/ old drills / spent drill at the wrong speed and pressure.