I got one CD-2BB with four cartridges from mikgntl-2013!
It was more than a month ago but I was so busy that time at work and then suddenly vacation happen
I've just back to normal life
mikgntl-2013, can you forgive me for such delay with feedback?
And about the station... yes, it's the best soldering station I ever used before.
My old ERSA Digital 2000 with Micro Tool iron will go for rest now
It's still ok to solder SMD stuff, but JBC can make all that nasty things I ever dream about
Thank you so much, mikgntl-2013!
And about packaging, it was incredible good!
Even Russian Postal service can't destroy it!!! People who know what is Russian Post will understand me
It's arrived super fast over EMS.
By the way, it's already updated with latest firmware, thanks to