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[FS] UK and WW Tektronix 3032B for parts

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Oscilloscope Tektronix 3032B

For parts or not working.

The device is switched on and operated by buttons and knobs, but waveforms from external signal source couldn't be observed on the screen on both channels.

Potential problems with input attenuators.

Good cosmetic condition.

Can be delivered worldwide for 60 pounds.

Has any repair been attempted?

Was sent to the external company for repair, but unfortunately no results.

was the highest bidder on this but just asked seller to cancel after reading this,didnt know it got sent for repair with no luck,seller should of mentioned that in the listing,shame as a good scope if working.


--- Quote from: p.larner on November 29, 2023, 06:20:47 pm ---was the highest bidder on this but just asked seller to cancel after reading this,didnt know it got sent for repair with no luck,seller should of mentioned that in the listing,shame as a good scope if working.

--- End quote ---

It's listed as "For parts or not working", he doesn't have to give you a history of the device, you're just being a typical dick eBay buyer.


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