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[WANTED] Plastic casings source


Hi guys.
I'm prototyping a design and I'd really need a decent casing.
Something like an mp3 reader, or another pocketable electronic device.
I can't design my own right now, I'd like to get some already made and adapt the electronics for this phase.

Any contact you can share?
I tried directly mailing some china factory but they didn't answer (what a surprise there...).

I'm essentially trying to replicate what Seeedstudio did with its DSO Nano V1: they took the plastic casing of an MP3 (or something like that) and stuffed their circuit in it...
But they're Chinese so it's unfair ;)

Thanks mate, I was looking for some more sophisticated designs...
I need battery compartment, and besides these are a bit on the fatty side (at least 22mm height, a bit too much).
But anyway thank you for sharing.

Perhaps Seeed could be convinced to stock the casing separately...

Alternatively you could buy the case on eBay (bit pricey though):

Another option is to look for replacement casings for existing MP3 players, iPod's say (though I've been looking for the iPod Nano case without luck so far...)


--- Quote from: janekm on February 01, 2012, 07:18:48 pm ---Perhaps Seeed could be convinced to stock the casing separately...

Alternatively you could buy the case on eBay (bit pricey though):

Another option is to look for replacement casings for existing MP3 players, iPod's say (though I've been looking for the iPod Nano case without luck so far...)

--- End quote ---

Oh the Quad is not the design I was looking for, more like this , a pocket hotspot from Huawei.
Anyway I tried contacting Seeed both via tech support and on the forums, no reply as of now.

P.s. why the post to which I responded before was canceled?


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