HP3456A is very good DVM. (if it is in good condition still and nobody have "repair" and "adjust" it.)
There is not so much different functions but it is extremely accurate and what is better, it also keep its accuracy.
It is not made so that last digit is only some kind of resolution but no accuracy. Many meters today have many digits, yes some kind of resolution is high but real accuracy... there are lot of nice look toys. Display digits are cheap. Real accuracy is not cheap. This HP is not toy. Also construction is very special. Including some part of special soldering in "front end".
Also it is 7 1/2 digit. (in slow mode) Max 6 1/2 in normal mode. But IMHO most of peoples do not know nearly anything about accurate measurements (including me), how to do and so on... so most of peoples (including also many professionals) can not use this accuracy in real. This DVM is very accurate and stability is extremely good. But yes you can check if 3-4 digit plastic box fluke is enough accurate.
Also becouse its special mechanical construction it need ship very careful. (measuring part is isolated from other all parts. Even communication between logig/processor is isolated. This isolation is easy fragile in "wrong" service or in shipping without enough damping material.
If this kind of meter is in original condition I want buy it if I can get it with reasonable price. But shipping cost is of course too much.
In EU (some developed parts of) we have rule that outside from EU we pay TAX (VAT) and customs if value with shipping is more than 50EUR. (If Greege do it different maybe Greege need change it later after they understan all about EU where they now are. There are not free dinners. Also here we have change many international shopping taxations after EU have make some command. (specially with second hand cars from other country)
I have never understand one thing in USA (specially ebay). How it is so difficult to send items to foreign countries. ( if buyer pay all shipping.)
Also sending money to usa is very difficult. Can not use any automatic transfers becouse they banks are not connected to computers (
). Only posibility is credid card directly (do not) and example Paypal (expensive). I can send money very easy from my bank to China, all eu countries and many other but always I send to USA it is extremely difficult. (and very slow and very expensive)
Shipping to foreign country. Here we have postal office on near every streets corner and we can send packages to foreign countries where ever we want just as easy as in domestic. If I want send to USA I write address on package and thats all. What is there so difficult? Maybe US need also wake up to this global world. I can very easy buy from China, Japan, EU all countries, South-Africa, Mexico, Australia but buy from USA... they do not want ship or they can not.
Also it is very easy to write CN22 form or other papers to shipment. Rules are very simple and easy. Writing these papers is very very easy if can read and write. It takes maybe 3 minutes and pen. Just as easy as write adress.
Back to topic. If I can here get this 2456A with 70 - 80Eur to my hand and it is good condition. I think I have make very good deal! With this price I want buy as many as I can find. (after guality check and some small adjustment check it is perfect meter what rivals many new meters in stability)
I can not get any new this quality meter with this price. I need put one decade more to price if want new this accuracy and other quality. (including available documents. You can also really know how to calculate possible errors so you can do some scientific also)
(I have sell these starting from 250Eur. And "brother" of this 3455A also. Not any kind of "ebay scrap and junk" where seller tell that he do not know anything other but there is some light in the box after power up)
Maybe today many peoples can not know how good these old equipments are. But many peoples want plastic small colorlighted box.