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Active Probe
Does anyone know where I can buy a cheap active probe; preferably one that covers the 9KHz to 1.5GHz frequency range? I don't require extream linearity, if that helps bring the price down to << $500.
I have no idea if this is any use but you might be able to reconfigure it,
I know nothing about High Frequency like these.
Try eBay, though << $500 might be hard, < $500 should be possible. There are several Tek P6245 probes for $300-$400 on eBay, for example. Many of the active probes use proprietary connectors for the power supply, but some of the earlier ones (eg. Tek P6202, but this one is only 500 MHz) use external power bricks. External power supplies for the proprietary power connectors tend to be rare and expensive on the used market, but you may be able to hack something up. Finding pinout and voltages should be easy. With the separate three or four pin Fischer power connectors, you should be able to just cut one of and solder on a new one, since it's only carrying DC.
Resistive divider probes are much cheaper. DC loading is much higher (500-5000 kohm), but loading at 1.5 GHz is similar. The Tek P6156 and P6158 both have about 3 GHz of bandwidth. They are sometimes available for well under $100, though there are none on eBay at this time.
there are frequently Agilent active probes on ebay. 1652A i believe. can be had for under 150$. These do 1.5 Ghz without problems and are excellent. But... they only mate with Agilent infiniium scopes... if you want to use them standalone you will have to make a power supply that gives +15 -15 and +5 volts into the probe. It's not hard to do. simply take the scope end apart ( the amplifier sits in the tip of the probe. ). the scope end has pogo pins to tap into the scope's power bus. Take the pogo's off and jerry rig your own supply.
Is this for a scope, or for a spectrum analyzer?
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