In the good old days, in the 80s, Leicester had a massive one at the Granby Halls
I remember going to that rally (on a coach trip!) in 1985 when I was a spotty student
It was held over 2 days.
The first rally I ever went to was the classic Drayton Manor rally in the early 80s where I bought a Tek 585 scope, and an Marconi frequency counter. In those days it was a brilliant rally and I went most years until the late 90s. I used to do to several rallies a year for maybe 15 years but they went downhill by the mid to late 90s.
Looking at DL's video the DD boot/rally looks like a time warp to a bygone era. Probably my biggest surprise was the fact that the vintage of the radio gear and test gear on offer at this rally has hardly changed from the rallies of 30 years ago...
Sadly, what IS missing is the 'buzz' from all those years ago. In the 80s the rallies had a bit more life to them and the traders were much more active with their sales pitch. There were far more punters and lots more 'surplus' bargains on offer back then. Happy days...
I watched the whole video and two minor items caught my eye. Some digital weighing scales for a fiver and a 1990s MiniCircuits IF/RF designers handbook. The MiniCircuits reps used to give me one of these every year at work but I foolishly threw mine away a few years ago. I'd have paid a quid for one of those just for the nostalgia