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Brand new Agilent 34401A in Europe (France) (all gone now)

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(Not my auction, I just noticed it.  Shipping is expensive to US, but for our European members these might be a deal.

I saw that too and want one since its got the oval buttons that match my current one. 
Too bad on the shipping. I just had a Rhode and Schwarz upl shipped from Belgium to ny and they only charged me 70 euro so this $250 is pretty high.

They quote 60$ to Germany, which is rather high, unless it's 24 hour express  :-//

Should be a third, maybe half.

Shipping in France is more expensive than in Germany, but not this expensive indeed.
Somehow when I add one to my cart the shipping becomes 250$.

These meters are only available from the site in $, they're not listed on the French, German or Belgian Ebay sites while are other items are offered by the same company. I guess it is a way to circumvent the VAT. As these are offered as 'new' normal VAT applies and according to European law this VAT must be included in the price. In case of sales to a company within the EU the intra-community rules apply, which means that this VAT must then be reduced from the sales price. I guess they don't want to lose another 20%.

These meters are offered on their site at 690€ as 'demonstration product in mint condition'. In my opinion this is not the same as 'new'. In the picture you can see that the packaging is missing the protective plastic sleeve around the instrument itself.

There is a listing on (French equivalent of with the same pictures as the ebay listing for one of these meters at 450€:

The company seems legit when searching for information through the VAT number.

I suggest you contact them directly:

So i contacted this company by mail whether they can make an invoice without vat and adapt the price likewise.

No reply as of yet.


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