Lucky you guys, none available anywhere near me. Oh well!
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tusk tusk
I have a friend who winters in Florida, but he was only going there Monday. I phoned a Radio Shack on Friday that had stock nearby to ship to his local store, but they don't do that, have to order at the store to pick up. So I mapped out all the Radio Shacks who still had stock and had some 14 of them, gave the list to my friend. As the days went by, 33931, 33511, 33704 and 32828 sold out. My friend got back to me today saying he secured one from Miami and will get it in 2 days, and me in April when he gets back. 32780, 33316, 33012, 33030, 33040, 33126 and 33155 still show having stock who are 200 miles or less from his location.
So one Kanuk checking in having gotten one at $19.95 (or less, my friend didn't tell me the cost). In Canada on it costs $105.49 plus $13.71 tax plus $19.10 shipping for a total of $138.30CAD (130.00US)

(Newark Canada (Element 14) it only $123.75 plus tax and shipping, $115.06 plus tax plus $8 shipping).
But all that didn't matter,
I checked today and there's stock ONLINE, I could have payed with Paypal and sent to his address without him having to go to the store and have to return in 2 days. Oh well!

edit: well that didn't last long, out of stock two in the cart just in case my friend couldn't get one to his store
If Radio Shack got their stock replenished at that price, it must be Panavise clearing out their stock for a remodel.

maybe not, probably put back in stock returns from people who paid full price recently