Author Topic: Complete PanaVice workcenter at RadioShack (US) under $15!  (Read 17167 times)

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Offline nanofrog

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Re: Complete PanaVice workcenter at RadioShack (US) under $15!
« Reply #50 on: January 01, 2014, 08:25:54 am »
Lucky you guys, none available anywhere near me. Oh well!
How far did you check distance wise on Radio Shack's site?

I had to push it to 50mi. to find a couple of stores that had stock.

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Offline george graves

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Re: Complete PanaVice workcenter at RadioShack (US) under $15!
« Reply #51 on: January 02, 2014, 04:30:09 pm »
The employees seem to have a better system to find things.  I'd go in to the store.

BTW - picked mine up.  I didn't realize how huge it is.  It seems more at home for working on PC motherboards than something, say, the size of Arduino.  I honestly can't think of what I'll use it for - it's just too big for my needs.  The base is nice, so maybe I'll make/buy a different head.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 04:35:19 pm by george graves »

Offline Po6ept

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Re: Complete PanaVice workcenter at RadioShack (US) under $15!
« Reply #52 on: January 03, 2014, 04:56:14 am »
My wife shopped smart and bought me one of these for Christmas at the sale price.  It was a pleasant surprise and I didn't even have to hint.  It has already earned a firm place on my glad-to-have list.

Offline kebogen

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Re: Complete PanaVice workcenter at RadioShack (US) under $15!
« Reply #53 on: January 03, 2014, 05:57:54 am »
The $20 is worth the price for the articulated base and the tray mount - even if you eventually end up finding the PC vise less than optimal for your work. Just detach the vise and attach a new style to complement the work at hand.
hmm,I agree with you, i just need one to help me with the shit work. |O

Offline TheBorg

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Re: Complete PanaVice workcenter at RadioShack (US) under $15!
« Reply #54 on: January 03, 2014, 06:17:20 am »
The employees seem to have a better system to find things.  I'd go in to the store.

BTW - picked mine up.  I didn't realize how huge it is.  It seems more at home for working on PC motherboards than something, say, the size of Arduino.  I honestly can't think of what I'll use it for - it's just too big for my needs.  The base is nice, so maybe I'll make/buy a different head.

It is wonderful for working on computer motherboards, that's exactly what I'm using mine for now :-DD
Just slap another head on it and you are good to go :)
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Offline GreyWoolfe

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Re: Complete PanaVice workcenter at RadioShack (US) under $15!
« Reply #55 on: January 05, 2014, 11:21:15 pm »
George, I know it looks too big and for PC motherboards, but I just put a little pcb project, a 9 volt regulator.  The board is 1.25" or 30 mm according to my uRuler and it fits just fine along the short edge.  I see no issue with holding almost any size project board.
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Offline Kohanbash

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Re: Complete PanaVice workcenter at RadioShack (US) under $15!
« Reply #56 on: January 05, 2014, 11:41:23 pm »
I use a panavise pcb holder at work all the time and was excited to get one for my home. I was lucky and able to get one for the good price. When I opened the box I noticed that the quality is not the same as the older ones.

For anyone familiar with the old ones:
- I am not sure how I feel about the little latch on the top of the PCB holder for quick release. The older version while it did not hold its position as well between clamps was smoother to use and could not come loose when working on a board.
- This one is more lightweight (can be good or bad)
- The ball pivot is not nearly as smooth as the older model we have at work. I am not sure if it is because the ones I usually use are worn in a bit or if it is actually a quality difference.
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Offline staxquad

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Re: Complete PanaVice workcenter at RadioShack (US) under $15!
« Reply #57 on: January 07, 2014, 07:11:22 pm »
Lucky you guys, none available anywhere near me. Oh well!

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

tusk tusk

I have a friend who winters in Florida, but he was only going there Monday.  I phoned a Radio Shack on Friday that had stock nearby to ship to his local store, but they don't do that, have to order at the store to pick up.  So I mapped out all the Radio Shacks who still had stock and had some 14 of them, gave the list to my friend.  As the days went by, 33931, 33511, 33704 and 32828 sold out.  My friend got back to me today saying he secured one from Miami and will get it in 2 days, and me in April when he gets back.  32780, 33316, 33012, 33030, 33040, 33126 and 33155 still show having stock who are 200 miles or less from his location.

So one Kanuk checking in having gotten one at $19.95 (or less, my friend didn't tell me the cost).  In Canada on it costs $105.49 plus $13.71 tax plus $19.10 shipping for a total of $138.30CAD (130.00US) :-- (Newark Canada (Element 14) it only $123.75 plus tax and shipping, $115.06 plus tax plus $8 shipping).

But all that didn't matter, I checked today and there's stock ONLINE, I could have payed with Paypal and sent to his address without him having to go to the store and have to return in 2 days.  Oh well!  :palm:
edit:  well that didn't last long, out of stock

put two in the cart just in case my friend couldn't get one to his store

If Radio Shack got their stock replenished at that price, it  must be Panavise clearing out their stock for a remodel. :-//  maybe not, probably put back in stock returns from people who paid full price recently

« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 09:12:06 pm by staxquad »
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Re: Complete PanaVice workcenter at RadioShack (US) under $15!
« Reply #58 on: January 07, 2014, 08:15:34 pm »
Out of stock again on line here and at your link.

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