>> After more than six months of asking for delivery or give my money back, without response, this is finally what I received (attached)...If you want to do business with Keli Electronics on Ebay or Aliexpress, go for it!, but there are hundreds of other great suppliers.
1. My experience with Aliexpress if you did not "accept", the fund would not be paid to the seller.
My only problem was accepting too early. Those China sellers on ebay or aliexpress are mainly traders, and if they have good ratings, they would try their best to keep them. So once there is a problem, shoot for refund, and I got mine all the time.
And once it is accepted, these traders know there is no recourse for you, they would not entertain you further. Many selling IDs actually belong to the same trader. Some of the online selling tasks (listing, enquiries, etc) are outsourced.
2. Some china traders have learned how to game the ebay system very well. If you have a problem that need to ask for refund, they shall guide you away from ebay rules. Even with email records of their devious move, ebay did not give a damm to protect the buyer. Here is where the game set uneven, as buyers would not possibly want to invest the time to know all the many steps that could void the ebay so-called buyer protection. And if there is a problem, it is very easy for the seller to get away, and yet without suffering a bad rating as the feedback period is very short. These traders normally have good enough rating that you shall give them the benefits of doubts. Before the feedback period is over, their non replies are very fast. That's the time, they start to "play" on you. Mislead, delay, etc etc giving the impression that they are attending to your matters, and at the time, put in steps to guide you away from ebay protection. After a while, they shall ask you to mail back, and when about time, claim no delivery from you, etc etc. Once the feedback period is over, all communication shall stop. And if you think you are protected, and file for ebay buyer protection, that's the time you know which rule you have missed. Of course, one could have fight ebay next, but at the end of the day, I decided this is not my full time job. (Beware of polida2008 of ebay. Still having 99.1%. )
Good things always come out of bad experiences, if paying a premium on ebay did not give me the protection, why don't I buy direct from China Taobao. It is a new eco system. But the protection system and the review system is much better. Saving and the range of selection are huge.