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The Bad Shopping Experience Thread

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Scam warning.  I was scammed in the sell/buyer thread by this person purchasing a Leader 3217.  It was finally resolved by paypal on my end.   I hope Admins will back list him, not sure where to post this?

M3Knight - EEVblog user name - Another Email account - Mark Evans is the paypal recipient


--- Quote from: ttx450 on April 27, 2024, 11:15:08 pm ---Scam warning.  I was scammed in the sell/buyer thread by this person purchasing a Leader 3217.  It was finally resolved by paypal on my end.   I hope Admins will back list him, not sure where to post this?

M3Knight - EEVblog user name - Another Email account - Mark Evans is the paypal recipient

--- End quote ---

You need to email a mod/admin. They do not necessarily see posts unless they happen to read one at random or go to see something that has been reported to them.

Chinese network behind one of world’s ‘largest online scams’:

- more than 850k victims
- more than 76k fake online shops
- scam runs since 2015
- operated by a Chinese group


Warning to be aware of a UK ebay seller by the name of jules18999

They listed a parts only Fluke 8125A for £60 BIN + £15 shipping, which is upper end but not top price. After a little umming and ahhing, I bought it.

A few minutes later I saw they listed another one, also parts only, for £400, which is way over the odds. Naturally my spidey senses start tingling at this, and sure enough, a short while later I got a message from the seller:

"Hi xxxxx, there’s been an error in the listing, my daughter made a mistake and listed the wrong item.
I paid far more for the item she listed, really sorry and would you accept a refund in full?"

To which I replied:
"Dear xxxxx,
While I can't stop you from cancelling the sale, I made the purchase in good faith, and I have to say, at the market price for these items, when they are "parts only".
As far as I am concerned, the ball is firmly in your court at this point."

They replied:
"Hi xxxxx , the mistake was made in good faith and I have never ever cancelled a sale before.
Im not happy about having to do this but i have to provide for my family and things are very hard at the moment.
Best regards."

They subsequently cancelled the sale using the reason "out of stock". I've given them the feedback they deserve on ebay, and am waiting to see if they relist it.


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