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The Bad Shopping Experience Thread

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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen:

We need to bring each other up to speed on where to shop without getting ripped off.  Most online merchants selling electronic stuff are OK, but there are a few scumbags out there that will take your cash and do a dash, one of them is:...and feel free to add more to this thread if you like.

Keli Electronics Technology Co Ltd..located somewhere in China

They have mouth watering stock from my techie viewpoint, but it is unlikely you will ever even see any brown wrapping paper or a postage stamp.

Be careful with this store, they will not return your money, they will not deliver and you have no recourse if you let them con you into paying before you receive the goods.  The Aliexppress shopping portal will stall, stall, stall until you give up.

I am out of pocket 20 bux because I have been ordering, ordering ordering small things to qualify a list of suitable sellers to get more uptown with (do extensive business with).  THIS GUY HAS FAILED.

All the best online shopping


Had a bad experience with a seller of electronics gear?, you can have a little rant about it here for record on the interwebs, but please be factual and detailed.


--- Quote from: Rayonger on December 19, 2013, 12:05:34 pm ---We need to bring each other up to speed on where to shop without getting ripped off.  Most online merchants selling electronic stuff are OK, but there are a few scumbags out there that will take your cash and do a dash, one of them is:...and feel free to add more to this thread if you like.
Keli Electronics Technology Co Ltd..located somewhere in China

--- End quote ---

I've started a new sticky thread for this type of thing, is that ok?

In this case they have 768 feedback, and mostly positive, so it's likely just a one-off on your part?

Ok Dave, looks fair to me.

I try to be fair with suppliers, but that guy seems to doctor his statistics and made no attempt to reply until I started abusing him...we are talking an order placed in August 2013, delivery from China to Thailand...ahhh we are landlocked neighbors!!!... I can bike there in 7 days.


electronics man:
i orderd a ccfl backlight invertor and a few other things from sourcingmap on amazon uk i recieverd most of my stuff just fine however they came in seperate deliveries (for some reason) then i got a slip from royal mail saying i had to pay £11.50 for duty :wtf: (or whatever). the bloody thing only cost me £3.50. they told me that delivery was free so i refused to pay for it i told them they seaid they would give me a refund THEY NEVER DID i never got the ccfl invertor. i now have learnt a lesson. :--


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