I almost got screwed by placing a big order with a vendor that I should have known better.
I keep seeing ads from 42nd Street Photo for Sony HXR-NX5U cameras at a very low price, presumably because it is a discontinued model. I had a nagging suspicion in the back of my mind that 42nd Street Photo was a sleazy vendor, but the deal was so good....
So I place an order for two of them, and they call me back asking about whether I wanted to specify signature required for delivery. I told them it depended on what day it was being delivered (since I work normal hours at the office).
Then the guy says: Oh, by the way, you know this is a discontinued model. Yes. I knew that.
And These are "demonstrators which have not left the showroom". Well, OK, but why do you have multiple units for "demonstration in the showroom"?
Oh, he added, they don't include any accessories. Well, reputable vendors keep the boxes, paperwork (including warranty), accessories, etc. for their "showroom demonstrator" gear. I was prepared to buy the cameras even without the accessories because I don't need them anyway (except for the proprietary power connector which is also missing).
Then he said, Oh, and they don't come with warranty because they are discontinued. Well, no. That is not true, even discontinued models are covered by full Sony warranty as I know from multiple first-hand experience. Like from who?, they said. Like from B&H, for example. Oh, they said, B&H is an authorized dealer, and we aren't. So who knows what these things are, and why they seem to have as many "demonstrators" as I want to buy?
Well, that was the last straw. Sleazy vendor, questionable provenance, missing accessories un-authorized vendor, and no warranty. It all added up to NO SALE, no matter how good the deal sounds.
Then, just now I got an email questionaire from Bizrate and I am letting them have it with both barrels. Yes, Bizrate, feel free to share my feedback with 42nd Street Photo.