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DMMs within EU?


Do people have any links to places that sell digital multimeters in reasonable prices in EU?

I have this question, since I could use another DMM in addition to my Sanwa, but the prices here in Finland are quite high. For example those models in $50 dollar shootout seem to cost like almost 60 euros without VAT, which is 23% here. So instead of $50 the prices are more like €70...   :-\

So ordering from a webshop outside Finland sounds like a plan. I'd like to have a DMM with TrueRMS, which means a higher price and a higher chance that the finnish customs will charge VAT if I order my DMM from outside EU region. The rule is that VAT is charged, if the sum of the tax goes over 10 euros, so I could order tax free until I keep the price under 43 euros. A TrueRMS DMM under €43 is like dreaming, so I'm stuck to ordering within EU.

So, do you have any hints where to go? I did some research and found a german webshop that I will take as a reference point for prices:

There is lots of used , on ebay Germany - UK - France .

Its a better bet , to get quality in lower price ( at the used ones) .
But if you care for new ones ,  the best pricing goes to UNI-T .


--- Quote from: tuo on November 16, 2010, 07:12:38 pm ---So ordering from a webshop outside Finland sounds like a plan. I'd like to have a DMM with TrueRMS, which means a higher price and a higher chance that the finnish customs will charge VAT if I order my DMM from outside EU region. The rule is that VAT is charged, if the sum of the tax goes over 10 euros, so I could order tax free until I keep the price under 43 euros. A TrueRMS DMM under €43 is like dreaming, so I'm stuck to ordering within EU.

--- End quote ---

Just add the taxes, duties and brokerage fees to the total price. It may still be cheaper to import from outside the EU, even with tax. Returning an item for warranty/repair would be more of a hassle, however.

Actually, you can get a TRMS from US for less than the taxable amount. As I also happen to live in Finland, I was eyeing for DMMs on ebay the other day and surely enough few rebranded Extech's were under the limit (that is assuming, the value customs cares about is the price you pay for the meter not including shipping).

Brands offering Extech with their own name are at least 'Craftsman' and 'PeakTech' -  never heard of the latter before though, but you can cross-reference them with Extech's models and they're identical on everything but the logo and coloring.

Also if you buy from GB ( you can shop free from taxes legally as they're inside EU. I've seen a few reasonably priced Amprobes over there.

Then there is the third option of buying from china, either through ebay or from various china outlets as they more often than not mark the value down...

Feel free to pester me privately if you feel the urge for chatting in native language instead. ;D


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