Oh, I use two stacked double-oven Trimble modules for my 10MHz hobby lab reference. That is by far enough to adjust, even calibrate any rig that shows up for repair on my bench.
But as these Trimble units are hard to contact (FFC cables and breakout boards required) and, if in good condition, relatively expensive, I thought just for playing around, I use one of these simple modules.
This LEA-5T was less then 20EUR and so it's a perfect board to play around with ublox configuration software, rtklib and building a nice Stratum-1 NTP server for my home. As soon as I have fittet the two Trimbles in their new case, I will probably use them to run the NTP over a little OrangePi as they are powered 24/7 anyway.
But thanks Deathwish, I found that picture of the pinning that was missing in my auction.