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FS (UK): Hameg equipment (ALL SOLD)


I've got a few items of Hameg equipment that are ex-demo or customer returns that have just been inspected by Hameg. All are boxed and look like new, still have Hameg warranty.

HAMEG HM8115-2 - POWER METER, 5KW, 500V, 16A, 1KHZ
List price £460 + VAT, I'm asking £200 + VAT. These are very popular instruments, i've sold 5 or 6 on EEV and there is an excellent youtube teardown/review of one

HAMEG - HMP2030 - TRIPLE POWER SUPPLY 0-32V 5A, 0-32V 5A, 0-5.5V 5A
List price £1015 + VAT, I'm asking £450 +VAT. Quality power supply, unique arbitrary V/I waveform generator function.

Will ship anywhere, VAT invoice supplied, can supply zero rated to EU buyers with a valid VAT number.

All sold, that didn't take long. Must have priced em too cheap  >:(

Would love to see a short review of that HMP2030 by whoever snagged it...


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