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SOLD - [US]: Brymen BM257s Multimeter

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This multimeter has sold (2025-01-12)

Brymen BM257s True RMS multimeter in excellent condition.

This meter can connect to a computer to log data with a Brymen BRUA-20X USB interface cable - not included.  (BRUA-20X can be purchased for a reasonable price from Welectron)

Gold plated silicone probes included.  Temperature probe included.  Batteries included.

US buyers only please.

Asking $70 shipping to the USA included.

This is also listed on eBay (lower price here due to lack of fees).  For additional photos and some info on my prior selling feedback, see the eBay listing:


Ebay don't charge fees any more, for private sellers   :-//


--- Quote from: AVGresponding on January 12, 2025, 11:10:15 am ---Ebay don't charge fees any more, for private sellers   :-//

--- End quote ---

I don't sell often on eBay and don't know the exact percentages and what not (I suppose I could look it up), but they charged $17 on my last sale in October.

the fees are calculated on a single or many sales,    this amount was for  ?  just the meter ?


--- Quote from: coromonadalix on January 13, 2025, 03:13:11 pm ---the fees are calculated on a single or many sales,    this amount was for  ?  just the meter ?

--- End quote ---

For that $17.28 fee that I posted above the sale was $112.00 + $15.42 shipping (my understanding is that eBay charges fees on the sales amount plus any shipping the buyer pays). So $17.28 fees on a $127.42 purchase = 13.5% in fees.

The BM257s sold on eBay for $85 (shipping was included) and eBay charged $12.66 in fees.  So about 15% in fees (plus I paid $10 in shipping).

With some googling I saw some reddits from back in October about eBay doing away with fees, but there were no solid details ever given.  I couldn't find anything on eBay itself about them getting rid of fees.  Maybe there was some promotion or something back then?  If anyone can point me to solid info about a fee elimination or reduction...

Then again I only sell occasionally, so it wouldn't improve my life very much.  But $10 here and $10 there adds up to a decent lunch.

Anyway, I have way too much multimeter related stuff in my workshop - actually, a garage with a lot of junk in it (I blame Dave for my strange obsession with multimeters), so I might be posting more offers than usual.  A lot of it is low end stuff (Aneng/Zoyi - or worse). Those might end up being more like giveaways than sales.


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