Author Topic: FS [US]: STM32 MCUs and Nucleo boards  (Read 430 times)

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FS [US]: STM32 MCUs and Nucleo boards
« on: January 19, 2025, 12:39:13 am »
STM32G030C8T6, qty 3. $Free + $5 S&H.
STM32G474RBT6, qty 3. $10 + $5 S&H.

Sourced from LCSC. The boxes are opened but these were never soldered, never used. Prices are for all 3.

NUCLEO-G474RE, qty 1.$10 + $5 S&H.
NUCLEO-F446RE, qty 1. $10 + $5 S&H.

I can't remember if I bought these from Digikey/Mouser or directly from ST Micro. G474 is brand new in clam shell. F446 is used and in good condition, comes with a 3d printed shell thing I made years ago.

Shipping and handling is for USPS Ground Advantage to continental US. I only accept PayPal. Pictures are here:


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