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FS UK EU Metcal high power soldering stations STSS-PS2E
I've recently picked up a large quantity of Metcal soldering irons and am offering them to EEVBlog users first. No pictures until Sky fix my broadband, which may take some time.
Offered for sale are Metcal high power STSS-PS2E power supplies with a soldering pencil. Each one will be supplied with three different STTC series cartridges, one fine, one medium and one large.
Priced at £120 including VAT with delivery at cost, which will be £10 in mainland UK, probably about £20 to Western Europe and quite a lot more to the rest of the world.
For info, these are very similar to the later MX-500 in terms of output power - the only difference is they only have one output, and it's on the back.
Sorry to ask a dumb question, but what else would I need to use this ?
I have some idea that the stands for Metcal irons have magnets in them to save the tips: is that right ?
Would I need anything else ?
Assuming that the oddments aren't too expensive, I'm quite interested in getting one.
The only thing you'll need is a mains lead.
Weller irons, and most of the other cheaper ones use magnets. Metcal, JBC and other higher end products use a temperature sensor to regulate the power delivered to extend tip life.
--- Quote from: KJDS on June 03, 2013, 08:39:52 am ---The only thing you'll need is a mains lead.
Weller irons, and most of the other cheaper ones use magnets. Metcal, JBC and other higher end products use a temperature sensor to regulate the power delivered to extend tip life.
--- End quote ---
You are confusing things - the later Metcal stands (not AFAIK the metal ones that came with the STSS) have a magnet, which saturates the special alloy in the tip heater, effectively turning it off when the iron is in the stand.
Even without this, Metcal tips last a very long time (as long as you use proper solder, not the leadfree rubbish).
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