General > Buy/Sell/Wanted

HP LogicDart probes available for a limited period and good price :-)


For anyone with a need, I have been in discussion with a Gentleman in the USA
who has some NOS of the OEM HP LogicDart probe leads.

The leads consist of the connector for the LogicDart and the all important probe
head, but no other accessories are provided (explorer or earth leads/clips etc).

The gentleman has limited stock and will soon be selling sets of three probe
leads on e*ay at a fixed price that I personally consider very reasonable
($42.76 per set of three).

I have no connection with this person beyond ordering five sets of probes from
him but wish to share the information with interested parties. The seller
appears to be a very friendly and genuine person who has great community spirit
and a sense of fairness that is often missing from sellers these days.

Direct purchases may be made for a price of $36 per set + p&p.

I am willing to supply the email address to individuals upon request. PM me for

Best wishes to all fellow LogicDart owners


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