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if you are looking for a 100Mhz Tektronix analog scope


There's a Tektronix 2232 on Ebay right now, 120639712525

Going for about $100 with shipping.

Pics show waveforms so it might actually be a decent scope.
I wasn't familiar with the 2232, so I went and looked it up.
It's a 100Mhz analog/digital hybrid, spec sheet here:

I'm not sure how useful the digital part is, as it's only
100Ms/sec with 4K of memory, although that's a lot better than
the toy scopes people keep discussing. I checked the Tektronix site
and the service manual is there for download and it includes schematics.

If I didn't already have two 100Mhz scopes, I'd probably try to pick it
up myself.  Looks like the seller ships to the US only.

In any case, since it's a less well known Tektronix, maybe it won't
get bid up very much.  If it actually goes for $100, that's a good
deal for a working Tek 100Mhz.  I paid $180 for my last one :-)


It sold for ~$300, close to getting a 1052E Rigol.

I think that's too much.  100Mhz analog scopes should be < $200.
Even though this scope had a digital add-on, it's much less capable than
the low end Rigol is.

Oh well, there are always more auctions....



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