I posted this on the HP io.groups forum incase anyone looks. Just to give an update. I think I found the culprit to my issues on band 6. I was on target when I suspected the RF amp coil. Anyone cares to correct me on my assumptions here please do but I think I am on or close to how things work. I will attempt to post a photo. What I noticed is in the RF osc., when cycling the tuning capacitor from one end of the band to the other, (regardless of band), the output will breathe, or go up in amplitude and down. I think some of it has to do with a proximity effect as the tuning cap passes the mounting screws, (it also may be coincidental that it happens at that point). The RF amp, along with the differential amp try to maintain a constant output by adjusting its output 'automatically' and resulting in a nice pure output. What I found when I removed the secondary of the transformer for Band 6, is that the windings were shorted together. You can see where the enamel melted on the wires. This band was abused. The output was consequently attenuated and the differential amp in its effort to maintain output, would run as hard as it could but didn't have enough to maintain a constant output, especially when drive was increased. All I can say is that it was an engineering effort to create an instrument such as this and really appreciate all that went into making it!