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LCD 16x2 3.3V

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I am chasing 3.3v 16x2 LCD for my project prototype for a reasonable cost, (as I am planning to make about 50 units initially if all goes well). 3.3v version of LCDs seems fairly expensive compared to its 5v counterpart.

Could anyone tell about a fairly reasonable source for this beast


4x20 for 6$ on sale.

a 5v version is 4$ on sale :

Mr Smiley:
Or see Dave's Friday fundamentals, using a charge pump to power 1602 lcd modules  :-+



--- Quote from: mariush on June 05, 2013, 01:43:40 pm ---

4x20 for 6$ on sale.

a 5v version is 4$ on sale :

--- End quote ---

Thanks mariush, seems a good deal and will try.

--- Quote from: Mr Smiley on June 05, 2013, 03:57:45 pm ---Or see Dave's Friday fundamentals, using a charge pump to power 1602 lcd modules  :-+


--- End quote ---

Thanks Mr Smiley, I saw this, but is this a common practice to drive a LCD ?  Interented to see common practices for LCDs on a low voltage hand held devices.

You can just run 3.3v I/O into the 5v lines. As long as its one way.

Bet the actual logic will run fine on 3.3 also. May have to tweak for contrast.


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