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LeCroy Digital Storage Oscilloscope LC574AL 1GHz BW
LeCroy Digital Storage Oscilloscope LC574AL 1GHz BW for auction Ebay uk. 3 days to run £206 Bid may go for cheap.Has one channel faulty (gain offset?) may just need a tweek even with 3 working channels this is a nice scope, no need for such a high bandwidth myself but it's worth keeping an eye on if you do, Good Luck!
Whats your problem? Are you Ebay phobic? If I find something I think someone may have a use for and post it were is the harm? You do NOT have to view it. I am not making any money from the sale just thought it might be of interest to other forum members.If the MODERATORS decree Ebay links off limits then so be it until, then I don't see a problem.
as long as they just appear in the proper buy and sell section who cares?
shafri apparently :-\
Just seems to me that any time someone posts an Ebay link you post neg about it, Why? Don't read it if it takes up so much of your time.If it was MY sale I could see your point but to complain about a link to a third party's sale that may save someone some cash or get them some gear that they can use seems like a fair posting in a Buy/Sell threads.I don't want a flame war they are a waste of time, if you have real concerns speak to a moderator who can ban links to ebay if they feel so inclined, didn't mean to upset you and I take on board your concerns, but will continue to post ebay links if relevant unless told not to do so.Hope we can still be freinds ;)
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