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Looking for a analog oscilloscope prefered 50mhz dual channel
I'm starting out a little electronics lab and would like to get more equipment but have limited funds. If some one has one and has no use for one i will be willing to pay for the oscilloscope, if your feeling generous i can accept it as a gift :P
Location:United States Illinois, Chicago
If this isn't the place to look for such an oscilloscope I have searched my fair share on craigslist locally and no luck finding a working one, please direct me to someone that will help me find one.
Oops just realized posted in wrong section i apologize, could a moderator please move this post or delete it so it could be in it's correct section.
So, where in the world are you located?
--- Quote from: joelby on December 28, 2011, 06:53:01 am ---So, where in the world are you located?
--- End quote ---
United states
Ebay ones within 200 miles of Chicago:
What is your budget?
This BK Precision might go cheap:
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