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Mitsubishi Car Navigation System - Make me an offer (UK)
Hi there,
Been having a clearout over the holidays.
This is a Mitsubishi car navigation system which was removed from an 4x4 a friend imported from Japan. Had it lying around for years and it needs to go, but it would be a shame to throw it out.
It powers up as you can see and the motorised screen works perfectly, tilt, slide etc. The navigation system is no use over here as it is old, and a Japan only model. GPS antenna, gyro unit (mechanical lol) and TV reciever (with ridiculous antennas) are included but some cables may be missing. I cannot guarantee the function of anything other than what you see in the pictures, i.e. the unit will power up, screen fold out and give you a display.
What is it worth....£20 + postage? Maybe not even that. :) The box weighs 10kg - PM your address and i'll give you a shipping quote.
It is old but seems a shame to bin it. The circular multipin connector was common on in-car TV systems of that era. I have no idea on the format of the video signal, but it is not composite - seperate R,G,B and sync.
The screen is really the only useful part, but at least you have a working CPU to provide a video source to deciper. The screen's fold-out mechanism is very well made.
are you anywhere near manchester?
i'm kinda interested if just to do a teardown
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