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requirement of safety approval number or auz/nz certificate for rework station


Hi  guys
G'day to all and thanks for imparting valuable info to this site.

Ok for many weeks i have been making my mind to buy bga rework station in particulary ( jovy bga 8500),
Unfortunately there is no more distributor of that machine in australia(there was one but no longer) so i want that to be imported from china, but problem is that about safety approval and aus/nz standard.
 My question is that does that machine need any certificate ( it has got  "CE" marking) to allow i n australia ?

Please shed some moon light on it.

Here in NZ, you can import whatever electrical thing you want personally, you just can't legally sell it again without all the appropriate documentation,

in here Australia they have ERAC (electrical regulatory authority council) introduced" eess" which is also being followed in Nz. acccording to which all electrical equipment which are "declared items"(for e.g soldering iron ,ir heaters etc)need RCM (regulatory compliance mark) logo.
no more 'A' or 'C' tick.

since  i want to import rework station for my personal use which has got only "ce " mark will it be put on hold by Custom authorites for further documentation.

has any guy in Australia import rework station ?


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