UT61E is 22.000 count, has larger display (more digits) and I believe it refreshes more often (it's quite fast, i have it on my desk). the 61C is only 6000 count.
They're different "processors" inside, the one is UT61E is used even on more expensive multimeters. 60$ for it is quite a good value. If you get it from Dealextreme or eBay, you can pay with Paypal so you're not paying taxes (VAT) like you pay in local shops.
Sure, in theory you pay when the package arrives at customs, but usually they're marked as toys or with a low value like 10$ or something like that, so you won't pay much more.
I've bought mine from radioshop888 on eBay :
http://www.ebay.com/itm/UNI-T-UT-61E-Modern-Digital-Multimeters-UT61E-/260733900740?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb4f397c4Everything was perfect, he even included a bonus pen ... you can probably give him a message to mark it as a lower value for customs and vat purposes.