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WTB [US] Tripp-Lite/Eaton PSSS2C clamp mounts for PS series outlet strips


Hifi Necromancer:
I'm looking to purchase a set of clamp mounts for a Tripp Lite bench power strip.  They've been discontinued and I can't find them anywhere.  Please PM me if you have any available or know a place that has them in stock.

Oh man, thanks for posting this!  I had no idea these had been discontinued, and have meant to more securely mount my strip on my secondary workbench for ages.  I managed to find a set in stock (supposedly) at:

also supposedly in stock at:

I have no experience with either company, but rolled the dice with an order from the first link. Fingers crossed :)

My order was canceled because it was out of stock; did not attempt an order from the second link, because they want $40 for shipping.

Ah, well...

Hifi Necromancer:
No need to waste your time.  I reached out to both of those places among others before posting...nobody has them.  I also got in touch with Eaton and they couldn't help me either.


--- Quote from: grahamp on January 29, 2025, 02:05:53 pm ---Oh man, thanks for posting this!  I had no idea these had been discontinued, and have meant to more securely mount my strip on my secondary workbench for ages.  I managed to find a set in stock (supposedly) at:
--- End quote ---

possible option


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