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WTB: Entry level power supply

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Looking for a entry level power supply. Don't need anything special, 30V 1A(ish).

Would prefer an older HP bench supply rather then one of those Chinese one hung low supplies.

Well, I did a teardown of the Agilent E3610A. You can see if this fits your needs.


--- Quote from: tiago on January 09, 2014, 04:34:39 pm ---Looking for a entry level power supply. Don't need anything special, 30V 1A(ish).

Would prefer an older HP bench supply rather then one of those Chinese one hung low supplies.

--- End quote ---

Price range?

My recommendations from best on down:
HP precision 6114A (6115A might work but I think it's only 0.5A) - one of the most precise you can get without going insane on money. Basically a budget calibrator that can be had for under $100.
Power Designs Precision (I forget the models that work) - almost as good as the above but current accuracy not quite as good. Look cool though.
HP E36xx series - robust and good to use. Not near as good as the above but newer.
I'm also happy with my Circuit Specialist rebadged Array 3645A. It's well built, quiet, reliable. Plus Arrays customer support was phenomenal considering they didn't need to help me at all.

anywhere between 100-200.

I prefer something newer with a small form factor as bench space is limited.

The HP E36xx series looks like it will work for me.

Nice Power Designs here


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