Thanks for the help, Simon.

I assumed that my email address would be available in my profile, as it is on some forums. Not an entirely unreasonable thought, as there is a "Allow members to email me" option in the registration process. My email is
[Edit: oh, look, my email IS in my profile. Go figure.]
As for your Google search:
- mib_instruments cannot get the unit any more, I checked. Their auction says they can, but when they actually looked at the received unit it did not have the USB port.
- goodluckbuy unit does not seem to be USB.
- mib_instruments link #2.
- glyby unit is not USB.
- glyby link #2.
The other first-page results are mostly shill blogs and other non-stores.
So, you see, I have actually tried. In fact, I have spent the last several weeks looking on eBay (USA, Canada, UK, Germany, etc.) and scouring Google.
I went ahead and purchased one from, but they refunded after they found they could no longer source it. I then purchased one from Kibuck Electronics, but it arrived at their shop broken. They very nicely found this out before shipping, but informed me they could not be sure of getting a working unit anytime soon, so another refund.
I came here looking for some help in the hope that someone knew of a source. Also in case anyone else out there was interested in one in the future, this information might prove useful to them as well. Excuse me for not being clear enough in my first post.
The good news is - if I am really a flaming idiot, then someone out there stands to make a very easy $100 off of me. Good for them!
So, more info - I have talked with and/or purchased from these sellers, but they were not able to help:
- MIB Electronics (eBay / webstore)
- (webstore)
- Kibuck Electronics (eBay / webstore)
- Goodluckbuy (webstore)
- Goodlucksell (eBay)
TorqueRanger: Thank you for helping! Unfortunately, MIB tells me they can't actually get the USB model any more. They bought one, but when they examined it it was found to lack the USB port. I should have mentioned this in my earlier post, that was my fault. Sorry for the trouble.
I should also note that if anyone can point me to a kit or sch/BOM combo to convert the non-USB Vantek to a USB, I will pay them $50 as well.
I am willing to go ahead and design a simple PCB to do the conversion, but I don't want to have to do all the design work myself. (Something like what these guys did with the Atten supply: