Tjw, thanks for that link! Definitely a source that will be very useful. Sadly they don't seem to have any 1095 spring steel shim, only 1010 low carbon steel, full hard. I've ordered some of that anyway to try it, and asked them about the other. See how we go. Great to find a place with so much neat stuff, in Aus.
Robrenz, that's not a bad idea, except there's no way I'm pulling the EMI shield strips off my dearly beloved old Tek scopes, and anyway I need literally dozens of these little springs. Oh, and the required springs are flat, not curved.
An interesting thing happened while I had a sample HP front panel on the desk to try a spring made from the stainless shim I bought at ppshim. While pressing the buttons (just the bare switch stubs), on all the buttons in the matrix to get an idea (again) for the range of 'feel' the buttons have, one of the little springs in a switch went 'sproing' and flew out across the bench. Looking at the switches, and thinking about how that could happen, I think I see it. I've never observed it happen directly like that before, but maybe the missing springs on my old HP gear are _not_ all due to people dusting out machines with compressed air guns. It seems that in rare cases, the springs can just decide to depart.
It's a dynamic motion/inertia thing, hard to explain. It may only happen if the switch hasn't been used for a while, and a part of the spring has developed a bit of stiction with the plastic switch body behind it. Or if someone whacks the button very hard and fast.
G7PSK - Hmm. Close. But I kind of want something I can be sure of getting more of in future. Not just for myself, since I'm sure this 'old HP gear missing switch springs' must be a fairly common syndrome.
The bit about 'rubbing down to required thickness' makes me shudder. With copper or brass shim yeah I guess, but spring steel? How?