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WTB US Bench top DMM - $250 budget

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Well, it came in today.  I will have to replace the caps.  The battery reads 3.02v on my hand held meter.  No leads, which I wasn't expecting any, so I will have to buy some.  I am using a cheap set that came with a crappy hand held for now. I had to cut the boots off the ends so they would connect.  I will need to get something for a reference though.  I look into it.

Thanks again!


--- Quote from: trilerian on June 08, 2023, 03:21:36 am ---Well, it came in today.  I will have to replace the caps.  The battery reads 3.02v on my hand held meter.  No leads, which I wasn't expecting any, so I will have to buy some.  I am using a cheap set that came with a crappy hand held for now. I had to cut the boots off the ends so they would connect.  I will need to get something for a reference though.  I look into it.

--- End quote ---

No need for a reference if you have another meter to compare with, that will get you in the ballpark. Usually these things are either bang-on in within spec or they are faulty.

My question is how do I get Dave to be my personal shopper?   :D


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