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WTB: used JBC soldering station (analog or digital) with T245 handle
Hey guys,
I'm a long time follower but don't often post. I want to get another soldering station, but a good brand one. New JBC CD-2BC station, which I would like the most, is far out of my budget. I was watching closely on ebay lately and they rarely pop up for sale.
From time to time I run into AD2200, AD 2700, but usually they don't ship to my country (Montenegro), even though I ask seller for a quote and say that I will be reliable for any shipment problems (my country postal service is probably better then any other, but since we are small and unknown to the world people think we are much behind :)).
Then it occurred to me that someone here may have JBC station for sale, preferably AD2200, AD2700 or similar due to the price.
If you have something similar to offer, please do so, since I don't have every single JBC model on top of my head.
KD0CAC John:
I got a digital off ebay for about $135 including shipping , no tips .
Works great .
I've seen others selling both analog & digital for about same price with multiple available .
But being out of US not sure about costs then the voltage is a ? .
magic smell:
If you can find any that can be shipped to Slovenia I can reshipp it to you.
From the UK, shipping to Montenegro is expensive, for a 33cm cube weighing 5kg it is £42.40 + VAT, whereas Slovenia is only £22.33 + VAT.
As Montenegro is outside the EU, a VAT registered seller can remove the VAT when shipping to Montenegro, which would outweigh the saving by shipping via Slovenia.
Thank you magic smell for your kind offer, and to others for helping me out.
I know shipment is a killer from UK, but I'm not sure why. To ship a 5kg package anywhere in Europe it costs 31 EUR from Montenegro.
I am also willing to pay that extra cost for shipment if I find a good unit and seller willing to ship. Especially if it is CD version.
If anyone runs into such a deal and don't need it yourself, please let me know.
Thanks once again!
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