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"Rainey" Power Probe 14ch Logic Analyzer?


While browsing ebay for potentials deals on LA's I came across this interesting contraption

Basically it promises to increase the number of channels of your scope through some triggering tricks and make it work as a 14ch LA, but with out the protocol decoder obviously.

I can find hardly anything about this thing on the home page let alone google.

Some how I got a feeling this won't work very well with digital scopes.

Yeah, I see three BNC connectors, so it probably uses the X, Y and Z (blanking) input. I haven't seen a DSO with a Z input (doesn't mean they don't exist). There doesn't appear to be any documentation available as far as I can see, so it's hard to verify. The cables seem too short to reach the Z input on the back of most scopes.

The description is really limited, nothing about record length for example. My guess would be that it samples 14 channels in parallel, stores the result, and draws them on the scope screen one by one (using it as an expensive XY monitor). So what you see on the screen might be all you get in terms of record length, I don't see any buttons to zoom or scroll (or even adjust sample rate, although it might use the X output of the scope for that).

The website is so poorly done I'd be very wary of even paying just to test it.

When I was a student, I was strapped for a multichannel scope; so I built a multiplexer.  All it did was take inputs and alternatively show each input with a DC voltage offset on a single channel presented to the scope.  Like a movie, the switching was fast enough to 'fool' the eye that it was multichannel.  Good enough to monitor channels up to 100kHz particularly if a continuous waveform, which was what I working on at the time.


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