Creativity is the ability to create; it is the power or the faculty someone possesses to create new ideas or solutions. So, by definition, you are a creative individual!
If you told me that you were not a creative man I would not believe you, since I have seen what solutions you have created and posted at this site!
Creativity, on the other hand, can be improved for anyone that wishes
to flex this specific
intellectual muscle we all possess; but we are constantly being taught ("programmed")
not to think on owr own, since childhood...
According to my perception, someone ceases to exist after suicide! So, they cannot be free or unfree anymore; they, simply, are not there to own or to be owned. I believe that is that simple! Despite the unsubstantiated and unprovable claims of all the
religious institutions that promise to their subjects
afterlives if they behave during their
real life: "If you are good to your owners and obey them blindly while in this life, you will receive a better life after you die!" Yeah! Sure! Whatever...
After someone's death, it is
the memories of their qualities and their achievements that remain immortal! For example,
Socrates, that
great teacher of critical thinking, lives through me whenever I use or spread any of his ideas; but he will never come back alive, no matter what.
Life is everything someone can experience and do while alive; anything else is a creation of the mind, called a delusion. Human mind is so powerful that it can create a whole universe in a few seconds time. Why waist it in irrational and tyrannic ancient dogmas that were created by cunning minorities to take advantage of whole societies?
Classical Greek literature is about the lifetime-long preparations for any individual to have a righteous and quality life, and
a good death. If this is called
rationality, I will prefer it over the
dogmatism of the
Abrahamic religions (i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam), which are about living a life of fear and servitude under the inhumane commands of a selfish "god," called "The Tetragrammaton" (meaning in Greek: "The Four Letters" describing Yaweh (YHWH) or Jehovah (JHVH), according to the first Abrahamic cabbalistic creation of the sixth century BCE). After all, Abraham was a
Chaldean Magus (plural: Magi, form «Μάγοι» meaning: Magicians, Sorcerers); Abraham was a Zoroastrian High Priest who took advantage of the ancient Hebrew tribes and turned them against each other until their extinction. What about Jesus, or "
Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef" as he was actually called in his times, meaning "Excellent Joshua, son of Josef" ("Rabbi" was a title of honor and ownership, meaning "Excellent" or "Great" until the end of the first century CE; after that it was used as a title for the priests of Judaism)? Even educated Jesus tried to humanely reform that rabbinical abomination for the good of his own people,
the remnants of the Tribe of Judah, and got himself crucified for messing with the priesthood. It was then that Paul took over the teachings of his dead master and created the sect called
Christianity that was expanded outside the realm of Judaism and was officially established in 325 CE. Finally, Islam, the latest Abrahamic branch, was created half a millennium later, in the seventh century CE. All these three systems of the belief in and the worship of an imaginary superhuman controlling power share the same foundation of Mosaic tales, which the first system calls "Pentateuch," the second one calls "Old Testament" and the latter one calls "Holy Books."
Anyway, to close my parenthesis with the
Abrahamic delusions, many people believe that everything started with the
Chaldean priests, those masters of deception coming form
Ur of Mesopotamia (Ουρ της Μεσοποταμίας), who fled to
Canaan through Harran, and with one of them called
Abraham striking first; the rest is history --or a dogmatic piece of history, to be more precise...
Talking of "Chapter 7" I believe that you mean the bankruptcy claim laws.
Well, a
Bankruptcy claim along with
Outsourcing (the other workaround you mentioned) are
loopholes in the greater scheme, called the
Game, (or the
Commerce Game) in which our lives are considered to be
stocks (or
capital stocks) of the
Business Company our
Person (or our
Birth Certificate) represents, There is no way out in this direction...
What about buying an island and living over there? If I buy a house and read carefully the contract, I will realise that I am not stated as
the owner of that property; I am stated to be
a tenant instead. No way out in this direction either, because buying or selling property is also done within the realm of the Game...
I repeat that the Game is not some sort of a new concept; it is there for centuries...
For example, I am no allowed to take any drugs because I do not own my body; it belongs to the company that now holds my Birth Certificate. Unless I renounce that contract and become a freeman --if I can do such a thing, because
Common Law might permit such an action but
Civil Law does not...
So, yes, acquiring someone's freedom is not that simple...
Is not knowing all this information a bliss or not? Personally, I always wanted to know exactly where I stand.