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Any experience with Aoyue Int2702

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Basically what i need to pay for a old model ZD - 915 desoldering gun locally i can buy this 3in1 station from abroad.

SO before i buy, any experiences with it?


I had one of these and the main transformer went on fire leaving me with no tools at all. The quality of these Chinese stations is not good, I would spend a little more and get separate tools that way you won't get caught out if one explodes!



--- Quote from: PsI-On on July 25, 2011, 09:31:58 am ---I had one of these and the main transformer went on fire leaving me with no tools at all. The quality of these Chinese stations is not good, I would spend a little more and get separate tools that way you won't get caught out if one explodes!


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Well as expected. I have all tools except desoldering tool, i will have to dig deeper to find one then


--- Quote from: hacklordsniper on July 25, 2011, 10:07:04 am ---
--- Quote from: PsI-On on July 25, 2011, 09:31:58 am ---I had one of these and the main transformer went on fire leaving me with no tools at all. The quality of these Chinese stations is not good, I would spend a little more and get separate tools that way you won't get caught out if one explodes!


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Well as expected. I have all tools except desoldering tool, i will have to dig deeper to find one then

--- End quote ---

I too would prefer separate tools rather than these all-in-ones. Dave did a review of the Atten unit on one of his vids. I use a Sirocco hot air unit which I believe is made by Aoyue.. you can find them on ebay maybe.. just search for Sirocco hot air.... or I get mine locally at circuitspecialists

IMO these are the sorts of things I expect to throw in the bin every few years


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