Ok, I'm often not so clear of a writer (EECS).
Part of the point being, many times I've come across a fellow American, that confuses IDEAL citizen makeup rather than actual. An 'IDEAL' citizen is going to recognize stupidity or bigotry in any context, while the actual, quite naturally, will have some degree of bias-induced 'blindness', to actual flaws close to home.
That means self-critical perception, but worse even, is when the self-critical stuff gets totally shut down, as is the case at present.
To save a few hurt feelings, I will state that indirectly:
State governor John Jones, (fictional example) runs for office, garnering all sorts of praise, to the degree that it appears 'unconditional', regardless of actual competence, as a public office agent.
Meanwhile, Mary Smith (fictional) will be running for same office, soon, and every last breath and word uttered seems to involve contempt-riddled and endless criticism...almost as if Satan himself were the subject of such withering scrutiny.
Looking at that juxtaposed pair of candidates, and the coverage they get, much of the glaring difference of treatment starts to make sense, when the fact that 'its politics' is considered. THEN, a person often can say "Oh...wait, ...this is just, simply, POLITICAL smear dynamics...". Not all that clever, either.
(Some just play dumb, when obvious smear tactics are put before them).
Ultimately, some recognize that dichotomy, and have a light-hearted laugh, while others continue to dig in and 'cant see it'.... A bit of Gaslighting, there, as last resort.