It's not like these things didn't happen way before. Or on other jets. It could be a human error, e.g. not closing the latches properly, pilots/techs not checking them during walkarounds, etc. Last-minute maintenance happens all the time.
That could be more on the airline instead of Boeing.
It's "just" that anything failing on a Boeing plane is now big news..
Boeing fully deserves all the media coverage. They have worked hard to earn it. It's the only thing that puts any pressure towards change. What a strange feedback loop.
Don't get me wrong -- I rather step into an Airbus than a Boeing. When you compare the 737 vs A320 incident list, I'm pretty confident that the number of airplanes built doesn't offset its length.
Although Airbus also screwed up with their first demo flight of the A320, despite it being more contributed to pilot error rather than design error. Airbus like to tell people that their FBW protections makes for a plane you cannot crash. However, during the years it has also been shown that the fly-by-wire concept has (had) fundamental flaws.
The 737Max crashes were much worse than that, though, and a door falling out because its not bolted down is also very bad..
But at some point reason has to kick in IMO. The press is now posting every incident with a Boeing as breaking news, while this kept happening for many years, and before many were fine with it. At some point its also impossible to fault a manufacturer for everything. E.g. its hard to fault a car manufacturer for a bonnet flying open if you didn't close it properly.
Of course this means I'm speculating what happened with this jet. But there are many more people touching those parts a plane than Boeing, in particular close to take-off, so it could be anyone's fault.