Ok, take the 'average worker' engineer and put them in the CEO position.
I don't care if they can layout a 30 layer PCB and program a trillions gate FPGA blindfolded - they probably cannot deal with the vision, skills, stress, pressure, timing, of a successful CEO. There are very few people that have the range of skill to do it. Of course there are some that are salesmen that sell themselves as CEO material but generally don't last long, especially in a public company. The good ones have a unique set of skills that the average worker does not and they are responsible for $billions.
Yes, I would like to see a much bigger hammer for those that fail, cheat, or steal but that is different from a blanket comaplaint about how much CEO's make relative to the workers. I have been in the entertainment biz for decades. The on-set crew works ridiculously hard and most of the them are quite sharp. They do not make $20mil per movie like the A-list actors because they cant act. The actors literally pretend and 'make believe' for a living working fewer hours than anyone. But....they are the glue that binds the whole project together and create the demand that justifies the paycheck.