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Create 3D preview of your PCB design

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I wish to introduce You my new website and service:

PCB 3D is a website that offers a service of visualization of your curcuit boards. We also provide a rich library of 3D electronic component models for developing realistic preview of your PCB design. If some of the components you need is not currently available in our library we will create it for you in no time.

On we present two new electronic 3D models each day. You will also be able to download a .pdf specifications of all electronnic components housing.
From the list of 10 models that we publish during the week, one will be free for download. You will be able to discover a new ones every time you make a visit to our website. 

Here’s how one of the models from our database looks like:

Electronic models are available in STEP file format, that is easy to use in major PCB design software of today.

So feel free to join in the comunity and give us some feedback on our support forum

I like to download free 3D step electronic models from 3D Content Central.

No subscription fees.  ;)


--- Quote ---On we present two new electronic 3D models each day. You will also be able to download a .pdf specifications of all electronic components housing.
--- End quote ---
so maybe after a couple of years it might actually have a useful range of parts... see you then.



Thanks for that info, we have also contribute to content to that website.

By paying subscription fee on our website you have guarantee that our models are designed according to manufacturers standards and names are given on IPC standard, so you can find them easily. If you can't find exact component that you need, we will create it for you. And off course we are here to provide technical support if you have any questions regarding models.


Our database has more than 600 components and it's growing everyday.
Models that we are publishing each day are individual representation of single model, not a database that we are offering ;)

KiCad: Build-in pcbnew 3D Viewer:

Both free.

So remind me, what is the point of asking for a $500 subscription?

In fact, I consider the posting as hidden advertising / spam and will report it to a moderator in a minute.

@digore3d If you want to advertise a commercial service, pay Dave for advertising space, instead of abusing the forum for advertising.


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