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Daves New Blog
Well done on the new format blog Dave! This must be an exciting opportunity for you.
More resources will be good for the blog, BUT will this to some extent narrow things down a bit ie only one manufacturers products? Hmm lets wait and see
My money is on Fluke 8-) 2:1
Rigol 1000:1
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUgh, Im thick! Just seen the other comments.
Please excuse The new subject postings.
Sorry Guys Do I win any prize?
This makes the joke twice as funny.
--- Quote from: Rowland on April 01, 2010, 06:22:37 pm ---
Sorry Guys Do I win any prize?
--- End quote ---
Uh do you think you would like the prize for falling for an april fools ? can't beleive dave kept a straight face for 2 min 40 sec, don't worry it could be worse, you could be born on april fools day like me :(
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