I brought one of this last week and it arrive two days ago, YIHUA-858D. I wish I read this before I turn it on. Anyway here is my 2 cent. I have only open it once and not yet fix any thing. I turn the unit on and done a few SMD de-soldering, just to prove it works; couple of passive component and transistor, a few SOIC and a TQFP. It work reasonable well and I am still here to tell the tale. After reading this forum, I was thinking ok, it is not the greatest of all build, but with some fixes, it does a reasonable job. So I am starting a list of things to check, if you brought one of these, who knows it might save a few lives. Here is the list so far, feel free to added to:
Thing to check if you brought ATTEN 858D and it clone:
1) Earthing - to the case, heat gun etc. or are they earth at all.
2) Live/active wiring - is live wiring is correct, not to the case at least and not the wrong way round
3) Fuse on live not on return
4) Fuse is real not fake
5) Power switch on live not return
6) Exposed live wiring, eg. in heat gun, mains etc.
Optional that may improve reliability:
1) Soldering - dry joint, blob of solder etc.
2) Exposed contacts - DC and Main separation
Please add as you feel like.