OneHungLow Electronics and Online Sweatshoppe Supply should offer these death devices in a basic kit form for those of us suspicious -burnt twice three times stupid- burb dwelling battlers/cheapskates/can't afforders
that are going to pull apart and fix/remedy/secure their products anyway
'Promise Products' cobbled together by 6 year olds and their ailing grandmothers using mini blowtorch soldering and used wooden toothpick and clothesline clip vice techniques on oily PCBs,
in some far off local dictator bullied snow buried mountain region poverty province I can't pronounce or find on a map
I would prefer it that way, it saves on dis-assembly time to make their halfassed assembly/soldered product work right, and be sort of safe,
and spot what needs to be done right off the bat.
i.e. a total board rework, a few beefier component swaps, power lead and polarity check, proper fuse, a bonus surprise troubleshoot/failure
and the final cable tie frenzy, finding better screws, washers, entry glands and feet etc etc
and lots of tea, coffee, vodka, headache pills, apologies to the neighbors for the foul mancave language... This should also amount to less beatings and whippings for the shoeless 6 year olds and their one foot at deaths door ailing grandmothers
when we complain and return the products for a refund from 'Golden Star Online Trading'
and pray you get your paypal credit asap before they go belly up and resume the same BS as 'Shining Star Online Trading'