Author Topic: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station  (Read 266125 times)

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Offline Knifa

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #200 on: April 25, 2017, 09:13:40 pm »
Looks like RS Components are selling a similar looking unit under their own brand. It is more expensive, with slightly beefed up looking casing and a nicer connector.

What are the chances it's actually safe to use?

Offline floobydust

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #201 on: April 28, 2017, 02:02:12 am »
How can RS resell this when it has no safety approvals? There are laws, in USA/Canada/UK that you can't sell products (vs import) without proper regulatory certs.
I believe RS would be liable if you got electrocuted or it burned your house down.

The 858D+ is not safe really - you'll find 220V hazardous live mains at the pins of the connector all the time, the on/off switch does not disconnect line (only opens neutral), the PCB creepage/clearances are pretty bad, the 22ga wiring is not rated for the fuse fault current, power transformer has no approvals... I could go on. Generally, the insulation components are not suitable for mains use, only low voltage. The design could NEVER pass regulatory. A hi-pot test would tell you right away.

Always run one of these (and your entire workbench) through a GFCI for better safety. Never leave it plugged in unattended. Never mess with the connector is it's plugged in.

Offline Knifa

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #202 on: April 29, 2017, 12:37:51 am »
How can RS resell this when it has no safety approvals? There are laws, in USA/Canada/UK that you can't sell products (vs import) without proper regulatory certs.
I believe RS would be liable if you got electrocuted or it burned your house down.

I contacted their support and asked if it was safe, linking this thread. They replied saying it was indeed safe.

Can't know for sure though, eh? Going by everything else that's known it doesn't seem too good. It does have a different connector, so it might just be the same shell?

Offline TheSpecialist

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #203 on: January 14, 2018, 11:20:49 pm »
Sorry to bump this thread from April last year, but as a long time lurker, I thought I'd add my experiences of one of these type units.  In my case, I've got the 852D+ by WEP, which I purchased early last year.
I started having problems with the iron itself (haven't really used the blower much).  Difficulty with soldering connections, and discovered through temperature testing, that the irons temperature at the tip, isn't stable at all, and seems to fluctuate a fair bit.  Despite trying to set the temperature with the LCD, I couldn't get the iron to go above a certain temperature.  Comparing the LCD reading with the actual iron temperature, it was way off, and I had to adjust a preset in the unit, but even that seemed very tricky.
Adjusting the preset though (to get higher temperatures), strangely seemed to give me problems when selecting lower temperatures.
I thought I had a faulty multimeter temperature probe at first, so I used the probe to test the adjustable temperature of something else, and the temperature seemed far more stable, so I don't know what's wrong with this unit!

Offline satelliteau

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #204 on: April 09, 2018, 01:56:39 pm »
I just purchased an 858D branded 'HiYLKO' from ebay, Australian company and Australian stock. Having heard about the safety issues with some of these units, the first thing I went to check was the earth pin to chassis connection. Needn't have bothered - these is no earth pin on the male end of the power cable, and it's hard wired into the back of the unit (no IEC connector). It's an Aus standard 'Type I' plug, no international adapters involved.

Is there any consensus on which 858D is the best/safest option? I see that the Atten 858D+ is twice the price of the generic models, is it any better?

Offline Electro Detective

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #205 on: April 09, 2018, 11:16:26 pm »
OneHungLow Electronics and Online Sweatshoppe Supply should offer these death devices in a basic kit form for those of us suspicious -burnt twice three times stupid- burb dwelling battlers/cheapskates/can't afforders

that are going to pull apart and fix/remedy/secure their products anyway

'Promise Products' cobbled together by 6 year olds and their ailing grandmothers using mini blowtorch soldering and used wooden toothpick and clothesline clip vice techniques on oily PCBs,
in some far off local dictator bullied snow buried mountain region poverty province I can't pronounce or find on a map 

I would prefer it that way, it saves on dis-assembly time to make their halfassed assembly/soldered product work right, and be sort of safe,
and spot what needs to be done right off the bat.

i.e. a total board rework, a few beefier component swaps, power lead and polarity check, proper fuse, a bonus surprise troubleshoot/failure  |O 

and the final cable tie frenzy, finding better screws, washers, entry glands and feet etc etc   
and lots of tea, coffee, vodka, headache pills, apologies to the neighbors for the foul mancave language...

This should also amount to less beatings and whippings for the shoeless 6 year olds and their one foot at deaths door ailing grandmothers
when we complain and return the products for a refund from 'Golden Star Online Trading'

and pray you get your paypal credit asap before they go  belly up and resume the same BS as  'Shining Star Online Trading'  ::)

« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 12:01:41 am by Electro Detective »

Offline joeyjoejoe

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #206 on: August 17, 2018, 11:34:02 pm »
I just got a WEP 858D from

Happy to find the fuse was on the hot wire, the nozzle was grounded. Board says YH858D V11 for the model/iteration.

I figured I would bump this thread with the new info as it shows up on google searches for these models.

Offline schmitt trigger

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Pictures
« Reply #207 on: August 18, 2018, 12:13:21 am »

Last night I also notified the Ebay seller in China and to his credit received a prompt reply indicating his great concern and that he would notifiy the manufacturer and his customers of the problem.

I bet he was shocked by your email.
Now seriously. This was a serious problem.

Offline LiftedTrace

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #208 on: January 26, 2019, 04:02:03 am »
The simplest thing to try for any hot air reworkstation is a calibration procedure,
to determine how the output setting is set and if its correct.  Now, how the hot air output from the nozzle translates to heating any item is another story as it depends on the mass needed to heat,  if the item has been preheated and ambient temperature of the lab.
and Quote from: 3roomlab on Yesterday at 08:54:42 PM
comparatively, i did not take 1-2 minutes to melt solder, i think the heating speed feels about the same as what i saw before. then i got curious about the temperature, and here is what i discovered the wide margin of error between temp setting and actual output. when i first tried at a dial of 200, flow = minimum, the temperature imparted to the PCB after about 30s is way way way way way over 210C. in fact, to hit 210C in about 30s, all i need to dial in is about 165 (see pic).

with a wallwatt device, at 165 setting. the station draws periodic cycles of 100-260w of power draw. i hope the above temperature points are helpful hints to users.

something for a diy weekender all you need is the chinese head unit like this one.  the rest of the unit can be made in the lab . ie arduino temp and fun control in a case. the had part is calibration of the temperature for accuracy. standby run commands .
looking at the data shows the chinese 220V ceramic heating element can push a top of 500c so that 24v fan must keep the air flow high as maybe fun with arduino programming the heating map. only time will tell if this will work. note- how light the wires are. needs better cable & more air holes in the handle grip.  also note- the reed switch and magnet used as  head unit sits in a cradle mounted on the side of the case . the magnet in the cradle trips the reed switch B inside the head unit case. for standby or low setting. I will post when i start work on it. find a 700w step down transformer & re-wire the output 40V? need to test it . then map out a schematic, then make art work of the case,  and all the parts inside it. by mid 2017 I hope.

I just got one off amazon (YouYue 858D). It looks identical to yours. I chose this one because it had a removable cable. When I opened it up after reading these posts, I noticed the wires for feeding the heating element were "TIIIIIIIIIIINY!!!!" The same size as the fan wires.
The wires running up through the cable are tiny too. The wires in the handle for the reed switch are larger than the ones for the heating element  :palm: :-DD
Now I don't know if I should spend time making it better only to find it fails later, or just return it.
I don't have money to spend a few hundred bucks on a nice one, and don't have the experience to build my own.
I guess it would be a fun project to breath some confidence in it to where it wont melt down on me. If it dies down the road....meh! It was only 40 bucks, cant expect much for that  :clap:

Offline MrMobodies

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #209 on: January 26, 2019, 03:38:12 pm »

That hot snot around the receptacle looks dodgy but they made the effort to heat shrink the ends.

It looks like the receptacle  clip does not go down far enough to secure it tight to the cover and without the glue it might be loose and wobble.

Offline Joserrodz

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #210 on: October 04, 2019, 03:31:05 am »
Hi! I just purchased a 858D Hot Air Rework Unit and I went ahead and checked it for safety. I just found a lack of ground to the rear metal cover and corrected it! I also found that my unit is “neutral switched” but I need some help to fix it! Will you reply with either written instructions or pictures as to what wires to switch among the PC Board and the On/Off Switch so I can fix it! Thank you !

Offline alonsojar

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #211 on: September 02, 2022, 05:27:23 pm »
I've recently  bought one from an Amazon shop, and had to check it because ground line was not protecting the gun.
The surprise was that the internal design is completely changed and now it has not any big transformer inside.. in fact is a nearly empty box with only a front pcb and the rear connector!!  :D
The ground problem was easy to solve.. the cable connecting the pcb board to the external plug was not properly crimped. Quality check in these products looks null. Now the metal part of the air gun is grounded, so I assume everything is as it should.

Offline thilog

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #212 on: May 14, 2023, 11:06:33 am »
Interesting how the PCB has a JLCPCB order number in the lower left corner...

Offline x79ftw

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #213 on: February 02, 2024, 01:34:14 am »
I recently got an 858D for use in USA 120v, im not sure if i got a safe one though, could someone let me know if its okay to proceed using this unit?


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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #214 on: February 02, 2024, 06:20:34 pm »
I do this kind of sanity check when buying mains-powered test equipment off of Ebay. Thanks for the reminder that poorly paid electronics workers don't spend much time worrying about the end user.

Offline floobydust

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #215 on: February 02, 2024, 06:45:49 pm »
I see a few safety concerns. The board is dated 2017.
Mains "hot" always connects to the fuse first, and here the fuse is on the Neutral (blue) which is a no-no. Apparently they don't have these wire colours in china or russia.
It should next go to the mains on/off switch. Check the nozzle is PE grounded as well.

NEVER LEAVE THESE PLUGGED IN AND UNATTENDED. youtube vid of these lighting up on fire on their own. I think the triac fails short. The fan transistor could use a heatsink.

Offline x79ftw

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #216 on: February 11, 2024, 11:40:34 pm »
I just checked the continuity of the neutral and hot wire on the plug and to my surprise the blue was wired as the hot and the brown is wired to neutral. I tested the unit and it worked fine without issues but i put the multimeter on the ground pin of the 3prong plug and touch the metal on nozzle but there is no continuity. I removed the ground wire that is held on the pcb that rests on the plastic standoff and shaved off some metal on the front panel and case then sandwiched it between the two with the case screw but the nozzle still isnt getting ground continuity when measuring the ground pin and nozzle.  Is there something inside the handle itself causing this?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2024, 08:34:14 am by x79ftw »

Offline floobydust

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #217 on: February 13, 2024, 05:57:58 am »
Inside my handle I found a terrible ground wire connection to the stainless steel tube. Because of the heat and difficulty soldering, they just wrap the ground wire on a tab and it doesn't make a good connection.
One safety happening is the heating element breaks and touches the stainless steel tube. You don't usually touch it... but it is a shock hazard.

Offline PlainName

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Re: DEADLY WIRING FAULT ; Atten 858D+ Hot Air Rework Station
« Reply #218 on: February 14, 2024, 10:14:03 pm »
Because of the heat and difficulty soldering

Looks a perfect case for a crimp. Wouldn't take more than a few seconds and couple of pence.

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