Example normal asynchronous 3-phase AC motor can use as generator(of course also 1-phase) Tecman is also partially right. If it go as motor it take power from powerline (it take active power and also it take
reactive power component (inductive). It run littlebit mor slow as synchron speed. If you start help motor... you start running it with mechanical power. With synchron speed it take very little power (in theory only this reactive power). What if you start running it more fast... you need put more power for turn it more fast but same time it start pushing electric power out (to electric powerline) but same time there is still this reactive power what it "take" from this powerline. But this is also why it get this magnetic field what it need...as motor and as generator.
But then. If no powerline but still it need start to generate electric power with asynchronous motor. (using it as asynchronous gnerator)
It is simple. Normal (older) ac-motor have many times some small remanence magnetic and it can wake up with it. But how to make magnetic field enough strong. Here is solution.. (it is just this reactive power... inductive - capacitive. Just opposite. We can use capacitor for source. Now it give this reactive power for generator magnetic field. (good new ac motors may have less remanence and need small help for wakeup in generator use)
But if there is no remanence magnetic in motor (as generator) metal parts and system is not connected to powered powerline. It need make this magnetic field... example short pulse from battery to one motor coil just as it is running and it start (and then system itself make it more strong as it is loaded becouse current and reactive power... (yes this time all systems need olso be good designed for take all this momentarily stress) Only very weak magnetig field can "wakeup" this system. (also you can see that in this picture capacitors are in delta connection but depending situation (motor/generator type) it may also be Y connection. (capacitance values need be calculated so they are compatible for individual system). Today normal motors metals are so good that there is less remanence magnetic fields so mostly they need some wakeup magnetic. (and to powerline connected generator may take it from powerline but it is also danger... becouse what you do in fail situations... you loose magnetic field if system can not serve this reactive power. It may be very labile system and difficult to control and worst case - and you need put smoke back to system if it comes out accidentally..
. Also there is not very good to draw lot of reactice power from powerline. And also this is inductive so there is heavy inductive reactive power "draw" from power lines.. (if big enough.. and powerline breaks ... have you never seen selfmade thunderstorm... now you maybe can. So it is better to serve generator magnetic field with local reactive power as in picture, and specially if it is use as stand alone generator without need to push power to allready powered powerlines.
This capacitance method is very common and widely used. Specially in fuelmotor generators becouse speed servo control is easy to make.. (becouse real generators are much more expensive if look this mechanical reliability class what have normal 3-phase motors (and always good AC generator need good speed and voltage control.
In wind turbine need very tight and fast speed control if want normal AC directly (nearly impossible) and small "stand alone" systems it is nice to load battery and make AC for use with inverter.
If load accumulator it is not so difficult as making good AC to power lines network. (home system (separated from commercial power lines)
Generator (what ever type) --> battery* --> use DC. ---> inverter (sine) --> use AC
*this can serve also magnetic field wakeup "start" pulse power in self (reactive power) magnetized system.