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eBay's purchase protection program doesn't really work!

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--- Quote from: DiTBho on September 29, 2023, 06:21:28 am ---
* it would be better not to manage more than 500GB, because then the internal partitions (mac-part) are max 20GB, and if the disks are over 1TB, there are definitely too many ... anyway, tthis means, that I am right to take a modern disk but with the smaller capacity possible
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Alright, but if > 1TB disks are easier to get ahold of, can't you just use only 500GB of them (even if that's wasteful) and leave the rest unpartitioned?


--- Quote from: SiliconWizard on September 29, 2023, 06:42:29 am ---leave the rest unpartitioned?

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I simply said that the criterion is to choose a modern disk with the smallest capacity possible.

I also have a technical problem: the SiliconImage s/ATA chip internally uses 48-bit LBA, but on a 32-bit PPC40x whose hardware encryption engine works best when blocks are 32-bit LBA, so I'm using 48-bit LBA stripped down to 32-bit, which simplifies a lot of things, but gives problems on disks larger than 2.2 terabytes.

Is it possible today to buy a modern 1..2Tbyte HDD and no bigger than that?  :-//

It's a detail of both the firmware (u-boot/iBSP pre-initialization) and the software (linux/kernel drivers), I can fix it, but this will introduce up to 20% performance penalties on an already slow system, as nodes are clocked at 133Mhz.

The alternative is to give up the hardware disk encryption, disable the circuits in the PPC SoC, bypass the block, and go back to using LBA-48bit.


--- Quote from: DiTBho on September 29, 2023, 09:55:32 am ---
--- Quote from: SiliconWizard on September 29, 2023, 06:42:29 am ---leave the rest unpartitioned?

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I simply said that the criterion is to choose a modern disk with the smallest capacity possible.
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That's understandable, but if such things are not available, you kinda have to do with what is.

--- Quote from: DiTBho on September 29, 2023, 09:55:32 am ---Is it possible today to buy a modern 1..2Tbyte HDD and no bigger than that?  :-//

--- End quote ---

Absolutely. Seagate, WD and Toshiba have brand new 1TB SATA HDDs in their catalog. I looked and they are available in many stores.
SAS drives are a lot harder to find. HP still sells new, 500GB and 1TB SAS drives, but they are rather expensive. Not sure about other sources.


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