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EEVblog Wordpress Help!


I've got a nice new EEVblog header courtesy of a viewer, but cannot get it displaying properly in my Wordpress header.
See the current site for progress!

The black header normally scales to the size of the title and slogan text, but I no longer want that text displayed (replaced by the banner) and have blanked out the text and the image no longer scales the header.
But I want to keep the title text in Wordpress itself because it impacts the browser title etc.

Is anyone familiar with this CSS stuff and knows how to just display the fixed size banner in the header?
The CSS file can be downloaded here:

Obviously it's in the .header function and images/logo.png is the header logo I want displayed.


I assume that the title (that you want to keep in the HTML) is usually within the a tag in the h1?

This appears to work when I try it in Firebug. I added them to the current properties of each selector, for example for .header. the background: url(.../bg-bubbles...) repeat-x ... stuff was replaced by background:black:

--- Code: ---.header {
    backgrond: black;

.logo a {
    display: none;

.intro .intro-wrapper {
    height: 117px;

--- End code ---

Some fine tuning may be necessary, but it should be enough to get you started.

That did the trick, got it, thanks!
Far too easy.


It is still there for me, do you have the addon where it sends out periodically updated cached pages rather than the actual php?


--- Quote from: mrpsychotic on January 09, 2011, 07:17:58 am ---It is still there for me, do you have the addon where it sends out periodically updated cached pages rather than the actual php?

--- End quote ---

I switch off the cache for edits like this, and it's working my end instantly. So maybe a cache at your end?



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