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Fluke 8300A

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I am looking at buying a Fluke 8300A for $90 US. This is a DVM from 1970 that is designed with mostly descrete components and TTL logic. Has anyone here had any experience with this old Fluke equipment?

No direct experience, sorry. I do have a shunt from the same generation (few precision power resistors and some switches), which works fine. I think $90 is a bit high, you can get something like the HP 3468A for less, and it'll probably have more features and better specs (except display). Note that ACV and resistance are optional (these are installed in the linked ebay auction), and you need an external shunt for current. For $90, it should be guaranteed working with returns accepted and have all relevant options, and even then I would probably choose something like a HP 3468A/3478A/3455A/3456A, or Keithley 192/195A/199, unless you're doing it for the cool nixies.

Caution, this particular unit it looks like it uses one of those power cords
with the oval connector.  These are almost impossible to find these days for a
reasonable price.

There's another BIN for $85 for two units:

You might also consider the Fluke 8505A,

It doesn't have the nostalgia factor of Nixies, but it's a 6.5 digit
meter.  I have one and love it.  As far as I can tell, it's done a really good
job of keeping its calibration after all of these years.



--- Quote from: slburris on July 12, 2010, 09:55:17 pm ---Caution, this particular unit it looks like it uses one of those power cords
with the oval connector.  These are almost impossible to find these days for a
reasonable price.

--- End quote ---
Replacing or bypassing a power connector isn't exactly a big deal though...

People just watch out with those , for the most of them, there is no even spare parts available .  

I would be very skeptic , to pay any amount above 100 $ for those.
Its totally a lotto ...  and they are very heavy , so no matter the condition of them,
the shipping cost will be payed in full ...


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