Which is a load of bollocks because just because an address is unlicensed, it doesn't mean it requires one. It's equivalent to saying "A list of people without driving licences."
Thats essentially how it works in germany now.
All adresses have to pay. Wether you have a TV or radio or not.
Before that, you also had to pay for computers.
The gist was: You have to pay for every device that *can* receive radio or television. It does not matter if you use it or not, if it can receive, you have to pay.
Internet radio was a thing, and computers *can* connect to the internet, so you have to pay for them. Graciously only the reduced rate for a radio though :p
So essentially this boiled down to "everyone has to pay" anyway.
So to get rid of the buerocracy (yeah, yeah, unbelievable in germany

) the government changed licensing to be household based.
Every household pays. Regardless of how many or if any devices are present.